Friday, August 7, 2015

Want To Improve Your Coding Skills???

Hello everyone, as you can already see on the upper right corner, I'm Bhagya Silva... and I am reading a degree on software engineering right now.. And  of course LEARNING there is no limit for our knowledge..I hope this article will help you to get some tips on how to improve your programming knowledge and coding skills.Here are some suggestions:
  • Master the programming language(s) that you are using.
  • Work on different types of projects. Do not stick to a single pattern;it can be easy but use the chances to learn something new.
  • Do not hesitate to get some help or advises from your seniors or experienced people around you.
  • Try our more and more new codes and coding patterns.
  • Just be thoughtful to focus on your direction, and we should not try to learn each and everything there ever is to learn about programming: actually we can't. So first of all we should concentrate about more relevant parts.
  • Once you know the direction, it is not that hard to get materials to help you with.
  • Choose small projects first to work on. It is easy to start from the basics. And it is a great opportunity to improve most of your skills.
  • Do your own code reviews and check for guidelines.
  • Always try to be aware of coding standards of the languages you are using.
  • Get used to your always available tools. You don't need to learn about thousand IDEs at once. Just try to be familiar with the one you are currently using.
  • Learn something new. Other than the main programming language you are using, try to add some more functionality to the project using something else, such as get the use of scripting languages.
  • Nail the basics. It is important to know about the core.
  • Learn new programming concepts. Not all at once; learn one and get used to it then so on.
  • Refer other peer programmers codes and try to understand the logic and concepts they have used.
  • Finally i must say..... Keep coding. :)

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